AASL presents 2002 National School Library Media Program of the Year Award
Contact: Keidra Chaney
For Immediate Release
June 2002
AASL presents 2002 National School Library Media Program of the Year Award
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is pleased to announce that James River High School in Midlothian, Va., is the winner of the 2002 National School Library Media Program of the Year (NSLMPY) Award.
The $9,000 award was given in one category this year - single school - for an exemplary school library media program that is fully integrated into the school's curriculum. Awards were not presented in either the small or large school district categories.
"The program at James River is structured so that all students in all subject areas will experience collaborative integrated information literacy skills instruction throughout their high school years," said Chair Sharon Coatney. "Intellectual and physical access for all students to the collection and needed resources was evident throughout the center."
"The library is thrilled to share the NSLMPY award with the James River High School community," said James River High School Media Specialist Ann Martin. "The partnerships at James River truly promote learning and academic achievement, as well as encourage students and staff to become lifelong library users. This distinguished award belongs to our entire community for its dedication and support of the library program and the tenets of information literacy"
The NSLMPY Award, sponsored by Follett Library Resources, emphasizes the importance of the school library media program as an integral part of the instructional process, vital to the curriculum for quality education; demonstrates the fundamental value of excellent school library media programs in the personal and social development of the future leaders, our youth; identifies positive models which, though their approaches may be unique to the specific school community, still share the common goals and principles of meeting the information needs of users; and encourages the development of library media programs that are the result of the collaborative efforts of all those who are responsible for student learning.
James River High School will receive the award at the AASL Awards Ceremony and Luncheon, June 17. The luncheon will be held during the 2002 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Atlanta. Information about other AASL awards presented at the ALA Annual Conference is available at the
AASL Web site.
AASL is a division of ALA. AASL promotes the improvement and extension of library media services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library media field.