AASL to host forum on NBPTS standards this fall
Contact: Judy King
For Immediate Release
May 2002
AASL to host forum on NBPTS standards this fall
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) will present a forum on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and the School Library Media Profession, October 4-6, 2002.
The forum, designed to provide a broad awareness of the NBPTS certification and support process, is a part of AASL's ongoing commitment to provide quality programs to members. Each AASL state affiliate organization will be invited to send a team of three delegates to the forum. Each team should include a representative from the building level, higher education and an affiliate leader.
Attendees can expect to receive valuable information from qualified NBPTS representatives regarding NBPTS standards and the assessment process. One session will focus on program alignment for graduate programs that provide Master of Library Sciences (MLS) and related degrees at American Library Association (ALA) accredited schools and ALA/AASL recognized programs in National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education accredited schools.
Additionally, attendees will receive background on the development of support networks for candidates, as well as have the opportunity to develop preliminary plans for the support and enhancement of leadership opportunities for school library media specialists who will become National Board Certified Teachers.
The first full day of the forum begins with an opening session that features AASL leaders, Gail Dickinson, assistant professor, Library and Information Studies Department - University of North Carolina-Greensboro; Sharon Coatney, school library media specialist, Oak Hill School, Overland Park, Kansas, and chair of the NBPTS Library Media Standards Committee; and Deb Levitov, coordinator of library media, Lincoln (Neb.) Public Schools. The speakers will provide the "big picture" regarding the NBPTS certification process and how it relates to standards, programs and the profession as a whole. The NBPTS presenters include Kathleen McKinley, Terry Robidoux and Stephanie Epp.
The forum is sponsored in part by Bound to Stay Bound (BTSB) a provider of quality books, media products and services to libraries. Bill Early, national manager for sales and marketing for BTSB said "Through the Bound to Stay Bound Foundation we endeavor to provide funding for the improvement of education in general and libraries in particular. This standards forum certainly falls within those criteria."
AASL, a division of the ALA, promotes the improvement and extension of library media services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library media field.