@ your libraryTM campaign goes global; logo now online in multiple languages

Contact: Deborah Davis



ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

April 2001

@ your library™ campaign goes global; logo now online in multiple languages

It's a whole new world @ your library™. The Campaign for America's Libraries, the American Library Association's (ALA) five-year public education initiative about the value of libraries and librarians in the 21st century, is receiving international interest and attention.

The Canadian Library Association, the Ontario Library Association (OLA) and the Saskatchewan Library Association have entered into an agreement with ALA to bring the campaign to Canada. The Library Association of Alberta also is interested in sharing the campaign with their libraries. To help spread the word in Ontario, OLA invited ALA to conduct a campaign workshop at its recent conference in Toronto and decked out its exhibit hall with @ your library signage. OLA also is in discussions with ALA Graphics about a licensing arrangement to allow production of promotional items that will be more likely to raise support and interest in the campaign in their province.

The campaign also will have a presence at the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Conference in Boston this August. Other interest in the campaign has been expressed by the Swiss Library Association as well as individual libraries in Australia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.

In response to the increasing global interest in the @ your library campaign, the logo has been translated into six languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese, with more to follow. Campaign staff worked closely with REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, and the ALA International Relations Office on the translations.

These logos, along with the English version, are available for downloading for free on the campaign
Web site. They are posted in color and black and white in multiple formats to accommodate a broad range of computer programs. The logos are trademarks of ALA, all rights reserved. ALA is in the process of officially registering all of these logos.

By the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, new @ your library slogans and a consumer piece about the value of libraries and librarians will be posted in Spanish on the campaign site. A three-minute consumer video also will be available in Spanish for purchase from the ALA Public Information Office. This piece will be broadcast-ready and closed-captioned for librarians to share with local television and cable stations and use during presentations to community groups and other external audiences.

For the latest on The Campaign for America's Libraries, see the
Web site. Libraries that are involved in the campaign are encouraged to register on the site and send summaries and samples of what they are doing to Sara Groves, ALA Public Information Office, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. E-mail:

3M Library Systems is a founding partner of The Campaign for America's Libraries.