Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins speak out for libraries in new TV PSAs
Contact: Megan Humphrey
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
August 2001
Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins speak out for libraries in new TV PSAs
Academy-award winning actress Susan Sarandon and director-actor Tim Robbins are featured in four new public service announcements (PSAs) in support of @ your library™, The Campaign For America's Libraries. The PSAs are available from the ALA Public Information Office for distribution to major network (NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX) and cable and community access stations nationwide and for use on library Web sites. The PSAs can be
previewed online.
Sarandon and Robbins also appear in new READ posters available from ALA Graphics.
The PSAs focus on the changing roles of libraries and librarians and their importance to our communities. Two of the PSAs feature Sarandon (both 30 seconds long) and two feature Robbins (one is 15 seconds, the other 30 seconds). The spots are closed-captioned. Libraries are welcome to include local contact information through a voice-over at the beginning of each spot.
These PSAs are very visible vehicles for communicating key messages of the @ your library campaign. You and your library can play an important role in ensuring that stations choose to air these new PSAs. Here's how:
- Contact the Public Affairs/Community Relations Manager/Public Service Director at your local television stations. Identify yourself as a representative from the local library community. Determine the preferred tape format. The PSAs are available for purchase from the ALA Public Information Office in three formats: Beta SP, ¾" or 1" reel).
- Price varies depending on format. Libraries should fax the form back to 312.944.8520 or can send an email to - Libraries are encouraged to hand-deliver the PSAs (if possible) to Public Affairs/Community Relations/Public Service Directors of local stations.
- Talk with colleagues - including trustees, members of your Friends group and business leaders - from your local community to see if anyone has any real relationships with management officials at your local television stations. If so, ask that person to place a call to the station on behalf of the local library community to encourage the airing of the new PSAs about libraries.
- Please follow-up with a note thanking your contact for his or her support you're your library. Extend an invitation to tour your library. Offer information on upcoming events and special programs and services.
- Include the television station on your library's mailing list to ensure that producers have the latest newsletter updates on what is happening @ your library.
In addition to using the PSAs for broadcast on television, libraries are free to download the public service announcements in their entirety for placement on their Web sites. No prior permission is required to download the spots. To preview the PSAs, you will need special software, which comes as standard on most computers. If it is not standard on your computer, a prompt box will pop up. Please follow the prompts to download the free software.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. An invoice will be included with your shipment. For more information, please contact Megan Humphrey at 800-545-2433, ext. 4020 or via e-mail at