Schuman receives 2001 Lippincott Award
Contact: Cheryl Malden
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
May 2001
Schuman receives 2001 Lippincott Award
Patricia Glass Schuman, president, Neal-Schuman Publishers, is the 2001 recipient of the American Library Association (ALA) Lippincott Award, which recognizes distinguished service to the profession of librarianship.
The award, a citation and $1,000, was founded by the late Joseph W. Lippincott and is now funded by his son, Joseph W. Lippincott, Jr.
Schuman, a librarian, publisher, writer, advocate and mentor, is recognized for her distinguished service to the profession and notable published professional writing. She has lectured locally, nationally and internationally and testified before Congress.
"The 2001 ALA Lippincott Award is presented to Schuman in recognition of her outstanding contributions as library publisher, activist for social reform and free speech, mentor, advocate for libraries, teacher and ALA leader," Award Chair Charles E. Beard said. "She is one of the most articulate spokespersons for libraries in the country."
Schuman was the first female treasurer of the ALA. She has served as president of the ALA (1991-92), an executive board member, a Councilor and has chaired most of ALA's major committees. She has won numerous awards, including the ALA Equality Award and the Black Caucus Appreciation Award.
Schuman has a bachelor's degree from the University of Cincinnati and a master's degree from the school of library science at Columbia University. In 1992, Columbia's School of Library Science honored her with its distinguished Alumna Award.
The Lippincott Award will be presented Tuesday, June 19, at the ALA Awards Reception during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco.