Guide to Best Reading in 2001 published

Contact: Lillian Lewis


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

July 2001

Guide to Best Reading in 2001 published

Make sure your library has the "Best Of" lists for the millennium. American Library Association (ALA) Guide to Best Reading in 2001 is filled with lists compiled by the Association of Library Service to Children (ALSC),
Booklist, Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Lists in the guide include "Notable Children's Books," 'Notable Books," "Editors' Choice," and "Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults."

These lists were compiled by librarians and book reviewers and offer the finest classic and contemporary fiction, nonfiction and poetry for all ages. All of the promotional pieces are camera-ready and contained in one convenient, economical package. Buying the kit includes permission for unlimited free distribution.

The guide is available online at the ALA Online Store The guide is $34.95 and the order number is 8389-8138-0. Books also can be purchased by contacting the ALA Order Department, 1-800-5450-2433, press 7.

For further information contact, Lillian Lewis, 1-800-545-2433, x-4396 or