Gale Group Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Services recipient chosen
Contact: Eileen Hardy
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
April 2001
Gale Group Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Services recipient chosen
The University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, is the 2001 recipient of the Gale Group Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Services for its "Research Wizard."
The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA) annually presents the $3,000 award and citation, donated by the Gale Group, to a library or library system for developing an imaginative and unique library resource to meet patrons' reference needs.
"Research Wizard' is a versatile, database-driven Web application that effectively utilizes the power of modern electronic and Web programming to take the traditional pathfinder into the electronic age," Award Committee Chair Kathleen Sullivan stated.
"It allows librarians to create anticipated and custom Web-based research guides that access a broad range of resources and provide content as well as bibliographic information," Sullivan said. "Research Wizard' checks link vitality, provides statistics on use and reports new terms by which users are attempting to access information."
Marc W. Davis, manager, support services, Karen Hein, librarian, reference and electronic services, and Jared Davis, lead programmer comprise the team of librarians and technology professionals who together created "Research Wizard."
The award will be presented June 18, 2001, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the RUSA Awards Ceremony during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco.
For more information about RUSA awards and the RUSA Awards Ceremony, visit the RUSA Web
site, or contact Eileen Hardy, program coordinator, RUSA at 800/545-2433, ext. 4398 or