Facts On File Grant recipient named
Contact: Eileen Hardy
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
April 2001
Facts On File Grant recipient named
The Howard County (Md.) Library's program series, titled "New International Conflicts: Russia, Bosnia, the Middle East and Asia," is the recipient of the 2001 Facts On File Grant, presented by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). The $2,000 grant, donated by Facts On File, Inc., is given to a library for a proposal that makes current affairs more meaningful to an adult audience.
"Members of the Facts On File Grant Committee selected the Howard County Library proposal because we liked all the different parts of the plan," Award Committee Chair Larayne J. Dallas stated. "It reaches out to include both senior citizens and high school students, has a good range of topics, an interesting roster of speakers, provides attendees with reading materials for study in advance of the programs and adds related materials to the library collection."
The Howard County Library will utilize the grant to implement a four-part reading and discussion series to examine the dramatic changes that have occurred in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. The programs were proposed and submitted for Howard County Library by Pat Bates, adult programming, and Natalie Weikart, community relations.
The grant will be presented at the RUSA Awards Ceremony on June 18, 2001, 5:30-7:30 p.m., during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco.
For more information about RUSA awards and the RUSA Awards Ceremony, visit the RUSA
Web site, or contact Eileen Hardy, program coordinator, RUSA at 800/545-2433, ext. 4398 or