Countdown to launch of Campaign for America's Libraries; libraries encouraged to host kickoff event

Contact: Megan Humphrey


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

March 2001

Countdown to launch of Campaign for America's Libraries; libraries encouraged to host kickoff event

Libraries of all types are urged to participate in the launch of The Campaign For America's Libraries, also known as the @ your library™ campaign, which will take place during National Library Week (April 1-7).

Libraries are being asked to name a local "celebrity" campaign chairperson and honor that chair at a kickoff event on Tuesday, April 3. That day, the American Library Association will unveil the campaign to the public at a national event featuring a high-profile figure in Washington, D.C.

The kickoff should feature the presentation of an @ your library card that recognizes the chair for embodying the principles of today's libraries. Artwork for this card, as well as other tools to help promote the campaign kickoff, are available on the campaign
Web site under National Library Week.

Suggestions for a campaign chair include a local sports figure, college or university administrator, school principal, parent, senior, student, corporate executive, public official or anyone who has a compelling story to tell about how the library has made a difference in his or her life.

As a backdrop to the launch event, libraries are also encouraged to develop displays and programs coinciding with the ALA's key action areas: 21st Century Literacy, Diversity, Education and Continuous Learning, Equity of Access and Intellectual Freedom. Libraries are asked to consider dedicating one full day of programming to each. Ideas for key action area programming can be found on the National Library Week section of the campaign Web site.

Libraries that have not yet officially joined the @ your library campaign are also invited to register on the
website. After registering, libraries will be able to post stories about their local @ your library™ campaigns and National Library Week in real time and read what others around the country are doing.

Interesting and innovative campaign kickoff activities are being considered for national press coverage. To submit a story about what your library is doing for the campaign kickoff during National Library Week, please send a brief description of your plans with contact information to: Or call the campaign's new toll-free number at 1-866-4LIBRARY.