Brown named ALSC executive director
Contact: Larra Clark
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
July 2001
Brown named ALSC executive director
The American Library Association (ALA) is pleased to announce that, effective August 13, 2001, Malore I. Brown will be the executive director of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of ALA.
"ALSC is getting a young, dynamic and thoughtful leader in Dr. Malore Brown," Committee Chair Leslie Holt said. "The search committee was impressed with her enthusiasm and knowledge of children, libraries, technology and literature. It will be exciting to work with her as a member of the division."
Currently Brown is the visiting assistant professor at Rutgers University, where she has been teaching courses on materials for children and young adults. Her research is focused on collection development for children in both digital and traditional libraries, with a particular emphasis on multicultural and international children's literature. She is on leave from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, school of information studies, where she has been working since 1996.
From 1991 to 1993, Brown was a librarian with the Chicago Public Library System, at the Harold Washington Library Center and the Carter G. Woodson Regional Library. Prior to that, she worked at the Milwaukee Public Library as a community librarian intern and a community librarian.
Brown is a graduate of Marquette University, with a B.A. in Spanish. In 1991, she completed a master's of library and information science and a master's in history at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, as well as her Ph.D in 1996. In 1995, she participated in the Snowbird Leadership Institute.
She has been an active member of ALA, as well as the Black Caucus of the ALA (BCALA), the Wisconsin Library Association and the Wisconsin Black Librarians Network. She is a member of the United States Board on Books for Young People. In addition, she has been on the Scholastic Reference Advisory Board and the Advisory Board for the Cooperative Children's Book Center. She has written several articles and spoken and lectured widely.
Leslie Holt (St. Louis Public Library) led the search committee. Other members of the search committee were Virginia Walter (University of California at Los Angeles); Caroline Ward (Ferguson Library, Conn.); Ellen Fader (Multnomah County Library); Julie Walker (American Association of School Librarians, ALA); and Satia Orange (Office for Literacy & Outreach Services, ALA).