Bonnici receives Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Contact: Mary Ellen Davis


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

February 2001

Bonnici receives Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Laurie Bonnici has been awarded the 2001 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for her proposal "An Examination of Categorical Attributions Through the Lens of Reference Group Theory." Sponsored by ISI, the fellowship fosters research in academic librarianship by encouraging and assisting doctoral students with their dissertation research.

Her recent publications include "The Founding of the Library Leadership Institute at Snowbird: An Exercise in Leadership," (
Library Administration & Management-in review) and "On the Shoulders of a Giant: Scientific Norms in the Education of Doctoral Students" with Dr. Elfreda A. Chatman (
Library Quarterly-in review).

"[Bonnici's] project holds great potential significance to academic librarianship, and the committee sees in the candidate the potential for leadership in the field," Rena Fowler, chair of the selection committee, said.

Bonnici, a doctoral candidate at the Florida State University School of Information Studies, received her bachelor's from Indiana University and her master's in library science from the University of South Florida.

The award, $1,500 and a plaque, will be presented to Bonnici at the ACRL President's Program on Monday, June 18, during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in San Francisco.

The ACRL, the largest division of the ALA, is a professional association of academic librarians and other interested individuals. It is dedicated to enhancing the ability of academic library and information professionals to serve the information needs of the higher education community and to improve learning, teaching and research.