Bessie Boehm Moore-Thorndike Press Award recipient named

Contact: Eileen Hardy


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

April 2001

Bessie Boehm Moore-Thorndike Press Award recipient named

The Pasadena (Texas) Public Library is the recipient of the 2001 Bessie Boehm Moore-Thorndike Press Award. The award is administered by the Management and Operation of User Services Section's (MOUSS) Library Service Committee of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

The award, $1,000 donated by the Thorndike Press and a citation of achievement, is presented to a library organization that has developed an outstanding and creative program for library service to the aging. The Bessie Boehm Moore Award was an ALA Award from 1990-1996.

"Community involvement and publicity are key in this program," Award Committee Chair Ann Eccles said. "While this library serves the older adults of Pasadena, particularly in care facilities, they have taken a public role in the community."

"To better address the service needs of this population the project manager is a licensed nursing home activity director," Eccles continued. "The program specifically reaches out to Hispanic seniors and includes a focus on literacy and intergenerational contact for all participants. While in traditional form, this service to older adults is an impressive program for a city library."

The award will be presented June 18, 2001, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the RUSA Awards Ceremony during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco.

For more information about RUSA awards and the RUSA Awards Ceremony, visit the RUSA
Web site, or contact Eileen Hardy, program coordinator, RUSA at 800/545-2433, ext. 4398 or