ALCTS releases MARC21 Authority Records for GSAFD Genre Terms

Contact: Charles Wilt


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

December 2001

ALCTS releases MARC21 Authority Records for GSAFD Genre Terms

To provide libraries with the ability to more fully implement the Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, Etc., 2nd edition and provide enhanced access to works of fiction in library catalogs, the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services has created MARC21 authority records for the form/genre headings in chapter 1 of GSAFD. A file of the records in the MARC 21 format is available for loading into library databases. The MARC file can be transferred using either Internet Explorer or Netscape.

Further information and access to the files is available

The revision of these guidelines is the work of the Subject Analysis Committee of the Cataloging and Classification Section of ALCTS.

The guidelines, published in 2000, constitute a recommendation for national standard practice in the provision of genre and subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, poetry, humor and folklore in all formats. The publication is available from ALA Editions through the ALA Online Store at

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association