ALA launches LSTA Web page, brochure

Contact: Larra Clark


ALA News Release

For Immediate Release

October 18, 2001

ALA launches LSTA Web page, brochure

The American Library Association (ALA) this month launches a Web page and electronic brochure devoted to helping ensure the reauthorization of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). LSTA is the only federal legislation that funds libraries exclusively. The library community recommends that this bill raise the authorization level to $500 million, increasing funding for state-based grants and local programs, National Leadership Grants and grants to Native American libraries. The current legislation expires on September 30, 2002.

The ALA has worked closely with a coalition of librarians and library groups to develop an advocacy strategy and online materials. The LSTA coalition comprises a range of ALA division members and representatives from Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), the Regional OCLC Network Directors Advisory Council, and observers from the National Commission on Library and Information Services (NCLIS) and Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

"I think we all agree that increased funding is essential to enable libraries to provide a range of new services to our user communities," said ALA President John W. Berry. "This is a legislative priority for all of us in the library world."

The electronic brochure was designed to be downloaded by librarians and disseminated to their patrons. The brochure resides on a new Web page dedicated to LSTA, and has been disseminated to ALA members via an e-mail call-to-action letter from Berry. The letter encourages ALA members to reach out to patrons and colleagues and ask them to talk to their legislators about LSTA. The mailing was one of the first of its kind to be done electronically through ALA.

For more information, visit the
Web site. The Web site includes contact information for reaching state LSTA coordinators, a toolkit for advocating on this vital legislation and an opportunity to share LSTA library success stories through the ASCLA/Washington Office Web site.