ALA Development Office announces planned giving program
Contact:Lainie Castle
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
September 2001
ALA Development Office announces planned giving program
The American Library Association (ALA) announces the ALA Planned Giving Program, a new charitable-giving opportunity that allows association members and library supporters to provide for the long-term needs of ALA through estate planning. The program will channel planned gifts, including a variety of charitable bequests, to support the division, office or initiative of the donor's choice.
"The establishment of a planned giving program has been much-anticipated by our board of directors," said Executive Director William Gordon. "In a December 2000 study by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, planned giving is listed as the second most successful fundraising technique currently employed by our nation's non-profits. The planned giving program will open the doors to a whole new world of fundraising possibilities. "
The Development Office can counsel members about how they can use planned giving as a tool to support ALA, express their beliefs and leave a legacy for future generations of librarians and library users. The office also will provide information about the tax and income advantages of making a planned gift. An estate-planning seminar, hosted by ALA legal counsel, is planned for the 2002 Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans.
"A planned giving program is a very welcome addition to ALA's fundraising initiatives both for members and our many library advocates," said ALA President John W. Berry. "I encourage people to attend the estate-planning seminar if they have ever considered making this kind of generous gift to support the ALA's work on behalf of librarians and libraries."
Donors who name ALA as the beneficiary of a planned gift will be invited to join the ALA Legacy Society, which will provide appropriate recognition to some of our greatest advocates. Members of the ALA Legacy Society also will be invited to attend special events that celebrate their shared commitment to libraries and philanthropy. If you already have remembered ALA through a bequest in your will, please contact the Development Office so that you may be included as an ALA Legacy Society member.
For an invitation to the estate planning seminar, to request additional information on the Planned Giving Program, or to speak to someone about planning your gift to ALA, please contact Susan Roman, Director of the Development Office at 1-800-545-2433, extension 5419, or send an email to