ALA councilors elected
Contact: Lois-Anne Gregory-Wood
ALA News Release
For Immediate Release
May 2001
ALA councilors elected
Thirty-two members have been elected to the Council of the American Library Association (ALA). Twenty-six of them have been elected as councilors-at-large: twenty-five of these for 2001-2004 and one for 2001-2003.
2001-2004: Khafre K. Abif, Monika J. Antonelli, John D. Berry, James B. Casey, Sharon Coatney, Carol Diehl, Jana R. Fine, Nann Blaine Hilyard, Sara Kelly Johns, Sue Kamm, Em Claire Knowles, Carmencita H. Leon, Gloria J. Leonard, S. Michael Malinconico, Bernard A. Margolis, Barbara T. Mates, Stephen L. Matthews, D. Jackson Maxwell, Vivian B. Melton, Patricia Gail Oyler, June A. Pinnell-Stephens, Ann C. Sparanese, Roberta A. Stevens, Thomas L. Wilding, Marie Turner - Wright
2001-2003: Michael E. D. Koenig
Six other Councilors also have been elected for 2001-2004: Antoinette Negro, American Association of School Librarians (AASL); Patricia A. Wand, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL); Marilyn M. Irwin, Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA); Barbra B. Higginbotham, Library and Information Technology Association (LITA); Bernadine Abbott-Hoduski, Government Documents Round Table; and Timothy P. Grimes, Library Instruction Round Table.
AASL, ACRL, ASCLA and LITA are all ALA divisions.