For immediate release | February 4, 2025
RUSA Virtual Forum-Meeting Users' Needs (EDIA)
We are excited for the 2025 RUSA Virtual Forum "Meeting Users' Needs (EDIA)" scheduled for March 4 & 6, 2025. In its fourth year, the forum offers an economical, virtual venue to learn about reference and user services and is open to ALL Librarians and library workers.
Libraries serve changing and dynamic user groups that often have intersecting needs. By acknowledging these different user groups, we can better provide for our patrons and our library communities. Whether you are working with a neurodivergent student to find research for an assignment, or are interacting with a patron who is struggling to navigate technology, or you are aware that spaces in the library could be more welcoming to different groups of users - librarians work constantly to change or adapt to meet our patrons where they are. But we often do not always know how to serve these groups.
Hear these exciting sessions from our sections and interests groups :
- Evolving Library Services: A Holistic Approach to Patron Support and Well-Being
- Genealogy Research for African Americans and Asian Americans: Tools and Strategies to Support Family History Researchers
- The Art, Science and Practicality of the Cookbook
- Partnering with Professors: Expanding one-off class instruction with custom course videos
- Informal Learning and Community Building through Library Outreach
- Helping Diverse Users with Financial Literacy Resources
- AI-mazing IDEA: Leveling Up Library Services
- And More!
Agenda with descriptions and speakers is posted here
This virtual event is for all types of library worker in reference, user services, adult readers advisory and collection development, resource sharing, genealogy and archives, business reference, and reference technology. The Virtual Forum is open to non-RUSA and ALA members as well.
Sponsorship Opportunity:
Are you interested in supporting the RUSA Virtual Forum through sponsorship? We can offer the following benefits:
- Logo with hyperlink to organization website on RUSA Virtual Forum home page
- Sponsor recognition in event promotion (Facebook, LinkedIn, and email)
- Acknowledgment during opening and closing remarks
- Opportunity to host a 10-minute commercial break featuring your product
For more information, please contact Ninah Moore, RUSA Program Officer-Continuing Education, at
The RUSA Virtual Forum will be hosted on Whova! Check out the user guide here!
Closed captioning will be available through the Zoom platform.
Not a member of RUSA! Join today!
The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association, represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers' advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. Learn more at
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