For immediate release | September 19, 2024

AASL Commends the Maryland State Education Association

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) formally commends the Maryland State Education Association, approving a resolution made by the Maryland Association of School Librarians (MASL), an AASL Chapter. AASL annually recognizes outstanding programs, events, and products nominated by AASL Chapters for their support of the school librarian profession and the learners the profession serves. The full list of 2024 commendations can be found on the AASL website.

MSEA is recognized for its advocacy the Freedom to Read Act (HB 785/SB738) identifying it as one of their top 2024 legislative session priorities to “protect against the politicized attacks we have seen from…activists around the state who have tried to ban books and make it more difficult for readers and students who seek to study honest and accurate history.” Along with sending MSEA sending members of its executive board to testify at both senate and house committees, MSEA regularly updated its members as to the act’s progress and reminded members of their responsibility to reach out to their legislators to express their support.

“MSEA, thank you for your strong advocacy for school librarians” said MASL President Stacey Nunn. “Your decision to make the Freedom To Read Act a priority has had a profound impact on the role of school librarians and collection development in Maryland. Your efforts to rise to the challenge have been a driving force against book banning, reinforcing the right of every student to see themselves reflected in literature, regardless of the author or viewpoint. There will be so many school librarians that will benefit as a result of your efforts!”

AASL President Becky Calzada added, “Our AASL Chapters have brought forth eighteen stellar commendations. These recognitions highlight the advocacy of intellectual freedom, access of inclusive literature, celebrates students' use of media and technology that incorporates the integration of AASL Standards and advances the understanding of school librarians as educators. The AASL Board of Directors is grateful for the keen eyes of our state chapter leaders for bringing these resolutions forward. Commendations acknowledge and expand awareness of the important work happening in many local communities in support of school libraries, school librarians and the learners they serve.”

All AASL Chapters are eligible to nominate outstanding programs, events, and products for national recognition. To be commended, nominees must align with the principles expressed in the AASL's mission and value statements. The full list of 2024 commendations can be found on the AASL website.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

AASL Manager, Members & Chapters

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
