For immediate release |
Core Webinar: Trailblazing Pathways Across the Digital Divide
CHICAGO—Join Core for the webinar "Trailblazing Pathways Across the Digital Divide" on September 3, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. In this webinar, participants will learn about a collaborative partnership between an academic library and offices within Student Affairs and campus IT to identify and fund long-term (full academic year) laptops to students most in need of this critical technology. The presenter will provide a case study of how a small pilot program quickly gained popularity and became a paramount service in meeting the needs of at-risk students while building meaningful cross-institutional relationships. The presenter will demonstrate how to develop campus partnerships to implement long-term technology lending programs and meet the technology needs of at-risk students to promote their overall success in an equitable and scalable manner. Attendees will gain insight (including powerful impact data) on how to make the case for similar programs at their higher education institutions, and they will take away an understanding of how to operationalize such a service, leveraging lessons learned from pitfalls experienced in the pilot program.
Trailblazing Pathways Across the Digital Divide
Live Webinar: Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 1 - 2 p.m. CT
Andrew See, Head of User Services and Experience, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Registration Fees:
Core Member: $57.67
ALA Member: $71.10
Nonmember: $79.00
How Do I Purchase Group Registration?
You can register a group by specifying the number of people who will be accessing the webinar during checkout. We offer webinars discounts based on the number of registrations you specify at checkout. If you are a Core member, you can purchase seats for yourself and your colleagues at the Core discount rate; ALA's new e-Learning store allows you to extend Core member savings to colleagues at your institution.
Can't attend the live event? No problem! All registrants will receive a link to the recorded session for later viewing at their convenience.
Register online or by phone at 1-800-545-2433 (press 1 to reach our customer service representatives).
For questions or comments related to Core webinars, please contact Core staff at
About Core
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures is the national association that advances the profession of librarians and information providers in central roles of leadership and management, collections and technical services, and technology. Our mission is to cultivate and amplify the collective expertise of library workers in core functions through community building, advocacy, and learning. Core is a division of the American Library Association. Follow us on our Blog, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Mia Blixt-Shehan
Continuing Education Assistant
American Library Association
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
mblixtshehan@ala.orgFeatured News