For immediate release | July 31, 2024

AASL Commends the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) formally commends the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC), approving a resolution made by the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA), an AASL Chapter. AASL annually recognizes outstanding programs, events, and products nominated by AASL Chapters for their support of the school librarian profession and the learners the profession serves. The full list of 2024 commendations can be found on the AASL website.

“The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners has made my job of high school librarian easier from day one,” said MSLA President Barb Fecteau. “The resources they provide make it possible for my students to succeed in many different ways. This year, they have gone above and beyond by highlighting the importance of school librarians across the Commonwealth by publishing The ‘Top 5 Reasons for Having a Licensed School Library Teacher in Every School.’ I read a LOT and it's my favorite thing I have read all year!”

The MBLC strives to provide every resident of Massachusetts with full and equal access to library information resources. The Board has recently launched a new school Librarian webpage showcasing school librarians as educational professionals and has included “The Top 5 Reasons for Having a Licensed School Library Teacher in Every School” in the 2024 Legislative Agenda. The two-page PDF showcases how school librarians are educational professionals impacting reading achievement, preparing students to participate in a diverse society, developing media literacy skills, and staying up to date on technology.

AASL President Becky Calzada added, “Our AASL Chapters have brought forth eighteen stellar commendations. These recognitions highlight the advocacy of intellectual freedom, access of inclusive literature, celebrates students' use of media and technology that incorporates the integration of AASL Standards and advances the understanding of school librarians as educators. The AASL Board of Directors is grateful for the keen eyes of our state chapter leaders for bringing these resolutions forward. Commendations acknowledge and expand awareness of the important work happening in many local communities in support of school libraries, school librarians and the learners they serve.”

All AASL Chapters are eligible to nominate outstanding programs, events, and products for national recognition. To be commended, nominees must align with the principles expressed in the AASL's mission and value statements. The full list of 2024 commendations can be found on the AASL website.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Members & Chapters

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
