For immediate release | April 23, 2024

The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table’s Addressing Challenges Committee is now accepting submissions for their new community zine project

In February 2022, the Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table created the Addressing Comics Challenges Committee with the charge of focusing on resources for libraries in preparing for and addressing bans, challenges, and other forms of censorship to comics and graphic novels. Subsequently, the committee has conducted surveys to gather information about censorship of comics in schools and libraries, created a toolkit to support library workers before, during, and after challenges, and hosted panels with library experts and comics creators.

Their latest initiative, the GNCRT Addressing Comics Challenges Community Zine Project, is designed to help spread awareness about the important work library workers, educators, creators, and communities do to support the freedom to read by creating and submitting original zines. Zines are independently made, creative works that encourage self-expression, making them the perfect medium for library workers to share their own stories.

Committee co-chairs Daniel Patton and Eti Berland shared: “We are looking for pieces that showcase the many things we can do to fight censorship. We hope that library workers, educators, comics creators, young people, community members, and anyone who supports the freedom to read will join this project and grow our collective knowledge to take action. We’d love to see submissions that adapt our Addressing Comics Challenges toolkit as mini-comics, offer practical strategies that you have seen make a difference, dispel myths about censorship, and share strategies for taking care of yourself and your colleagues. We’ve included suggestions in our call for submissions, but there’s no limit to our community’s expertise, insight, and creativity.”

The committee is eager to receive submissions from all kinds of library workers across ALA divisions, Round Tables, and beyond. You do not need to be a member of GNCRT to submit a zine, and anonymous submissions will be accepted. Accepted submissions will be shared at the Zine Pavilion at the upcoming 2024 ALA Annual Conference in San Diego, CA.

Learn more in the Call for Submissions.

Submissions are now open and can be submitted here:

Please submit your zine by May 31, 2024. Post your projects on social media using the hashtag #GNCRTZine and tag @Libcomix.

The GNCRT Preparing For & Addressing Comic Books Bans, Censorship, and Challenges in Libraries Committee is: Eti Berland (Co-chair), Dan Patton (Co-chair), Amie Wright (Liaison), Moni Barrette (Liaison), Sarah Clements, Gabriel Lopez, Lindsay Gibb, Kellie Crosby-Sturtz, Ryan Grant, Julia Lanter, Carla Riemer, Natalie Molnar, Kara Baker.

About the Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table

The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table of the American Library Association is dedicated to supporting library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy. For more information connect with GNCRT on Facebook: ALA Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table; Twitter: @libcomix; Instagram: @libcomix; or the GNCRT ALA Connect page.

About ALA

Established in 1876, the American Library Association (ALA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

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Tina Coleman

Staff Liaison

American Library Association

Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table