For immediate release | January 10, 2024

Applications open for Games and Gaming Round Table 2024 'Game On!' Grant

CHICAGO, IL — The Games and Gaming Round Table of the American Library Association is proud to sponsor its annual grant program to enable libraries to develop gaming programs or collections for their patrons. This year, GameRT has increased the “Game On!” grant funds, and $1,000 will be available to be awarded to assist a library or libraries in developing gaming programs or collections for their communities.

LeeAnn McNabb, 2024 Game On! Grant Committee Chair, said of the grant, "The Game On! Grant is a great opportunity for GameRT to support its mission of helping libraries bring gaming opportunities to their communities. The grant committee is looking for applicants who will add new and sustainable programs and/or collections to their institutions. We encourage applicants to tell us a story about how their proposed program or collection will benefit their community. The committee is excited to review the grant applications, ready to find the next recipient(s) of the Game On! Grant and help spread the love of gaming in 2024."

ALA members in good standing currently employed at a public, school, academic, or special library in the United States or Canada are eligible to apply. Libraries will need to illustrate a plan for a sustainable gaming program created with the funds as well as financial need and institutional support for the proposed program. Grant applicants can find more details about eligibility and criteria, including an evaluation rubric, on the Game On! Grant page of the GameRT website.

The deadline for applications is March 16, 2024, and the grant winner will be announced at GameRT’s “ALA Play” event at the 2024 ALA Annual Conference in San Diego in June. Additional information and an application can be found online at

About the Games and Gaming Round Table

The Games and Gaming Round Table (GameRT) of the American Library Association provides a venue for librarians interested in the use of games and gaming in libraries of all types a place to gather and share. GameRT was formed in 2011, replacing and extending the pre-existing gaming member interest group. As a round table, GameRT is built around our shared passion for games and the use of gaming within libraries. With members from all types of libraries, GameRT encompasses a wide variety of viewpoints, situations, and user types. Look for more information on the GameRT blog.

About ALA

Established in 1876, the American Library Association (ALA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

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Related Links

"Game On!" Grant website


Tina Coleman

Staff Liaison

American Library Association

Games & Gaming Round Table
