For immediate release | October 12, 2023
REFORMA and the ALA Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table announce formal collaboration
Following the successful collaboration between the Graphic Novels and Comics Roundtable (GNCRT) and the Black Caucus American Library Association (BCALA), the GNCRT and REFORMA are pleased to announce their new Collaboration Core Comics Reading List project. The planned final annotated list will feature high-quality graphic novels that showcase Spanish-speaking and Latino stories and creators. GNCRT and REFORMA hope that this core list will continue to grow and will serve as an important resource that advocates for the development of library comics collections that meet the needs of Spanish-speaking and Latino populations.
Specifically, the list will recognize the best published graphic novels for all ages and in a range of genres with diverse characters and stories,. The goal of the list is to increase awareness of the validity of the rich and diverse format of graphic novels and to specifically showcase Latino stories, characters, and creators. The list will act as an aid to librarians and library workers in the development and promotion of these graphic novels and will serve as an aid for readers’ advisory.
”The Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table is excited and honored to begin this collaboration with REFORMA to highlight the voices and stories of Latino/x/é and Spanish speaking creators and communities,“ said GNCRT President Robin Brenner. “The creation of this list will be invaluable to library workers hoping to build substantial and representative collections in all kinds of libraries and schools.”
“REFORMA is proud to work with GNCRT on the creation of this list of graphic novels that amplify Spanish-speaking and Latino/x/é narratives. It is vital to recognize excellence in publishing in all genres, demonstrating the breadth and richness of Latino/x/é creators’ contributions to literary spaces,” said REFORMA President, David Lopez, “They are representative of the unique intersections from which the Latino/x/é community is comprised.”
To compile the list, GNCRT and REFORMA are forming a joint committee, composed of fourteen members from both GNCRT and REFORMA. GNCRT is represented by Co-Chair Christina Vortia and Committee members Molly Anderson, Fiorella Casella, Dot Castro (serving as Administrative Assistant), Teresa McGinley, Jo Nickerson-Harper, and Rosanne North-Jack. REFORMA is represented by Co-Chair Maria Vega and Committee members Jessica Agudelo, Rosa Diaz, Yesica Hurd, Dan Johnson, Tina Lerno, and Katherine Martinez-Santos. Beginning September 1, 2023, the committee will read, evaluate, and nominate eligible graphic novels for consideration. The core list will be announced in June, 2024 to coincide with ALA Annual. Topical webinars and additional lists will be presented and highlighted throughout the year as the Committee completes and shares their work. Nominations for the list are accepted from the field through this dedicated online form.
REFORMA is committed to the improvement of the full spectrum of library and information services for the approximately 56.2* million Spanish-speaking and Latino people in the United States. Established in 1971 as an affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA), REFORMA has actively sought to promote the development of library collections to include Spanish-language and Latino oriented materials; the recruitment of more bilingual and bicultural library professionals and support staff; the development of library services and programs that meet the needs of the Latino community; the establishment of a national information and support network among individuals who share our goals; the education of the U.S. Latino population in regards to the availability and types of library services; and lobbying efforts to preserve existing library resource centers serving the interests of Latinos.
About the Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table
The Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table of the American Library Association is dedicated to supporting library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy. For more information connect with GNCRT on Facebook: ALA Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table; Twitter: @libcomix; Instagram: @libcomix; or the GNCRT ALA Connect page.
About ALA
Established in 1876, the American Library Association (ALA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.
Related Links
GNCRT / REFORMA Collaborative Core List Nomination Form
Tina Coleman
Staff Liaison
American Library Association
Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table
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