For immediate release | October 23, 2023

Core Webinar: Opportunity in the Face of Crisis

CHICAGO–Core hosts the webinar “Opportunity in the Face of Crisis” on December 6, 2023, at 1 p.m. CT. The library at Coastal Carolina University managed multiple facilities projects and operational challenges while responding to a series of crises. The past three years have embodied change at libraries as services have been re-envisioned in response to COVID. At the height of the pandemic, the university also addressed a severe budget crisis that resulted in layoffs, early retirements, and reorganization of many institutional partners. Recent administrative leadership changes further contributed to a sense of uncertainty. Now the future is bright. Crisis response, years of data collection and opportunity intersected to spur exciting change in library facilities and the reconsideration of most services. The presenters will describe how an HVAC upgrade and plans for a neighboring auditorium were elevated into a major remodel of the existing library, the construction of a new library facility, and a radical change in services that will move our library from an afterthought to a hallmark space on campus. The importance of diverse data collection, relationship building, listening, opportunism, and general openness to rethinking facilities, collections and services will serve as centerpieces for the discussion. Presenters will also address managing change and diverse interests during the renovation process. The information provided can be scaled to fit any size academic or public library.

Opportunity in the Face of Crisis

Live Webinar:
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 1 - 2 p.m. CT


Melvin Davis, PhD, University Librarian, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC

Jennifer Hughes, Associate University Librarian, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC

Eric Resnis, Head of Research and Scholarship, Coastal Carolina University Libraries, Conway, SC

Registration Fees:

Core Member: $57.67

ALA Member: $71.10

Nonmember: $79.00

How Do I Purchase Group Registration?

You can register a group by specifying the number of people who will be accessing the webinar during checkout. We offer discounts for webinar based on the number of registrations you specify in checkout. If you are a Core member, you can purchase seats for yourself and your colleagues at the Core discount rate; ALA's new e-Learning store allows you to extend the Core member savings with colleagues at your institution.

Can't attend the live event? No problem! All registrants will receive a link to the recorded session for later viewing at their convenience.

Register online or by phone at 1-800-545-2433 (press 1 to reach our customer service representatives).

For questions or comments related to Core webinars, please contact Core CE staff at

About Core

Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures is the national association that advances the profession of librarians and information providers in central roles of leadership and management, collections and technical services, and technology. Our mission is to cultivate and amplify the collective expertise of library workers in core functions through community building, advocacy, and learning. Core is a division of the American Library Association. Follow us on our Blog, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.


Mia Blixt-Shehan

Continuing Education Assistant

American Library Association

Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures