For immediate release | March 12, 2013

Virtual Spring Symposium registration extended to Monday, March 18

CHICAGO — There’s still time to register for the Public Library Association (PLA) 2013 Virtual Spring Symposium, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central time, March 20. This full day of public library education will offer a total of eight education hour-long programs across four subject tracks; Administration/Leadership and Youth Services tracks will run simultaneously in the morning, while Marketing/Customer Service and Technology tracks will run in the afternoon. Futurist Garry Golden will wrap up the day with a thought-provoking keynote, “Designing a 21st Century Roadmap for the Future of Public Libraries.”

Virtual Spring Symposium speakers include:

  • Lupine Bybee Miller, children’s librarian, Seattle (Wash.) Public Library
  • Ron Carlee, COO, International City/County Management Association
  • Alison Circle, chief customer experience officer, Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library
  • Christopher Evjy, librarian and Web Team manager, Jefferson County (Colo.) Public Library
  • Cheryl Gould, library consultant, Fully Engaged Libraries
  • David Lee King, digital services director, Topeka & Shawnee County (Kan.) Public Library
  • Jane López-Santillana, children’s librarian, Sno-Isle Libraries-Oak Harbor (Wash.) branch
  • Cass Mabbott, supervising and teen librarian, Indianapolis (Ind.) Public Library
  • Stacy Schrank, employee development coordinator, Metropolitan Library System, Oklahoma City, Okla.
  • Raquelle Solon, associate director, Prepare Training® for CPI
  • Jim Staley, marketing and communications director, Mid-Continent Public Library, Kansas City, Mo.
  • Steve Teeri, customer support assistant, Detroit (Mich.) Public Library

Registration is open through 4:30 p.m. Central time, March 18, for both individuals and groups. Individual registrants will be able to switch between simultaneous tracks to find what suits them best, while registered groups will be given a code that enables them to stream simultaneous tracks at the same time (on two computers) to help their team get the most out of the day. Cost to attend the PLA Virtual Spring Symposium is $135 (PLA Members), $165 (ALA Members) and $195 (Nonmembers) for individual registration and $495 for group registration.

PLA thanks Counting Opinions for its generous support of 2013 Virtual Spring Symposium.

PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.


Amy Sargent

Manager Marketing

Public Library Association (PLA)

1-800-545-2433 ext.5024