For immediate release | March 18, 2013

Thought leaders discuss the benefits of school librarian mentorship

CHICAGO - The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) presents the newest set of podcasts in its 30 Second Thought Leadership: Insights from Leaders in the School Library Community series. The just-released 30 Second series focuses on the March/April 2013 Knowledge Quest issue, “Mentoring Through Partnerships,” and explores the question, “How does taking the time to mentor others benefit a school librarian?"

Those offering their insights include:

  • Toni Buzzeo, a career school librarian, AASL member and professional and children's author. She was named the 1999 Maine School Library Media Specialist of the Year and has authored five books and countless articles on teacher-librarian collaboration.
  • Ann M. Martin, an educational specialist in library services for the Henrico County Public Schools in Virginia. She is a past president of AASL and author of “Seven Steps to an Award Winning School Library Program.”
  • Lisa Perez, an AASL member and network library coordinator for the Chicago Public Schools Department of Libraries. She designs and delivers various grant and technology training programs for school librarians.

30 Second Thought Leadership features school librarian experts delivering brief and practical advice based on the themes of Knowledge Quest issues. Questions, current and archived videos and thought leader bios can be viewed at

Published bimonthly September through June by the American Association of School Librarians, Knowledge Quest is devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services. Articles address the integration of theory and practice in school librarianship and new developments in education, learning theory, and relevant disciplines. Visit Knowledge Quest online at

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.


Jennifer Habley

Web Communications Manager

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)

800-545-2433 ext. 4383