For immediate release | June 14, 2011

Streaming live @ your library®

CHICAGO – When residents of Groton, Conn., want to know what’s happening at their library, all they have to do is tune in to find out.

Since 2002, the Groton Public Library has used the @ your library® brand as the title for its monthly library talk show.

“The show was born out of the Campaign for America’s Libraries’ @ your library brand,” said Shawn Greeley, municipal video specialist for the library and the town of Groton. “We chose it because it was a natural tie-in with everything that is going on at the library and in our community.”

Each month, the library’s program committee and media department sit down together to list all the library programs and activities that would make the best features for the “@ your library” show.

“It’s a team effort,” said Greeley. “All areas of the library are involved in the decision, which creates better stories that reflect all of the library’s users.”

Hosted by librarian Barbara Clark-Greene, “@ your library” has aired more than 100 episodes and has featured nationally known authors like Wally Lamb (“She’s Come Undone”) and David Benioff (“City of Thieves”).

“Having Clark-Greene host the program gives it a personal touch,” said Greeley. “People connect her with the community because they see her on ‘@ your library’ and they also see her working in the library.”

First seen on the local community access channel, “@ your library” has evolved over time; the show moved to the city’s website, then to YouTube and recently made the switch to Livestream.

Since the move, the library has seen a dramatic increase in the number of unique hits per month, from under 1,000 in April to more then 5,000 after the move in May. The number reflects an increase not only in local views, but also viewers from across Connecticut and other states, too.

The Campaign for America's Libraries, ALA’s public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe - use the Campaign’s @ your library® brand. The Campaign is made possible in part by ALA’s Library Champions, corporations and foundations.


Megan McFarlane