For immediate release | March 5, 2013

Slate announced for 2013 FTRF trustee election

CHICAGO —Twelve candidates for the Freedom to Read Foundation Board of Trustees have been slated for the 2013 election by the Nominating Committee, composed of Trustees Jonathan Bloom, Julius C. Jefferson, Jr. and Judith Platt, chair. There are six vacancies on the Board to be filled. Trustees are elected to two-year terms.

Candidates for Freedom to Read Foundation Board, 2013–2015

Helen Adams, online instructor, Mansfield University School Library and Information Technologies Department, Mansfield, Pa.

Doug Archer, peace studies librarian, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind.
John Chrastka, executive director, EveryLibrary, Chicago
Robert P. Doyle, executive director, Illinois Library Association, Chicago
Chris Finan, president, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, New York
Loida Garcia-Febo, president, Information New Wave, New York
Martin Garnar, reference services librarian and professor of library science, Regis University, Denver, Colo.
Pamela R. Klipsch, director, Jefferson County Library, High Ridge, Mo.
Herbert Krug, president, CrossRoads Marketing Solutions, Evanston, Ill.
Jim Neal, vice president for information services and university librarian, Columbia University, New York
Kent Oliver, library director, Nashville Public Library, Nashville, Tenn.
Eva Poole, chief of staff, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, D.C.

Ballots will be mailed April 1 to all current (2013 member year) FTRF members.

To participate in the election, you must join the Freedom to Read Foundation or renew your membership, or call (800) 545-2433, ext. 4226 by April 1, 2013.


Jonathan Kelley

Program Coordinator

Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF)

800-545-2433 ext.4226