For immediate release | January 29, 2013
Program proposals for Conversation Starters, Ignite Sessions and ALA Virtual Conference accepted through Feb. 17
CHICAGO - Your dynamic presentation might be the one that moves the needle forward for the profession.
Inspire others by submitting a proposal for one-hour "Conversation Starters" and five-minute "Ignite" sessions for 2013 ALA Annual Conference (June 27-July 2), and/or 45-minute programs for ALA Virtual Conference (July 24-25).
Key issues covered at 2013 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition and ALA Virtual Conference will include digital content and e-books, technology in libraries, innovation, books and authors, transformation, leadership, library workforce, library advocacy, community engagement, physical and virtual space, teaching and learning, library marketing and more. The themes of ALA Annual Conference and ALA Virtual Conference are “Transforming our libraries, ourselves” and “Mapping Transformation.” If you enhanced an existing service, launched a transformative new project or implemented creative solutions in any area, consider submitting a proposal by the end of the day on Sunday, Feb 17, 2013 (the last option on the page is for submission of a Virtual Conference proposal, and guides you through all the required information.)
Register and book housing now for 2013 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition.
(Registration for ALA Virtual Conference will open in May, but for questions in the meantime, please contact us at
Anyone needing an Annual Conference overview or to show how they’ll be more valuable to their institution after Annual Conference can use the “Making your case to attend” resources, with guidelines for what information to present, what previous attendees have said about what they took home, a sample budget worksheet and more.
Ways to stay in touch and get updates include the Annual Conference website, Twitter (#ala2013), the Facebook Event; and the Pinterest page.
Lindsay Rosales
Conference Coordinator
Conference Services
lrosales@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.3227
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