For immediate release | May 10, 2011
PLA now accepting applications for ConverStations at PLA 2012 Conference
CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting ConverStation (neé Talk Table) applications for the PLA 2012 Conference to be held March 13-17, 2012, in Philadelphia. Applications may be submitted through an online form until July 15, 2011. Faxed or mailed proposals will not be accepted. PLA will notify all successful applicants by September 1, and provide date and time assignments by November 15.
ConverStations provide conference attendees with forums for discussion on timely, relevant topics for public library professionals. Facilitators are expected to briefly showcase model programs or innovative techniques, or report on projects or studies (5-10 minutes) and stimulate discussion (50-60 minutes). The facilitator’s role is to ensure that the discussion stays lively and relevant to the topic and that all attendees who wish to speak have the opportunity to do so. ConverStation facilitators are not expected to prepare formal presentations.
Offered biennially, PLA Conference has a reputation for excellence. The conference includes nearly 200 premier professional development programs, numerous social events and networking opportunities and a bustling exhibits hall.
For more information on the PLA 2012 Conference, contact the PLA office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 5PLA. For information on other PLA programs and events, visit
PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve, and its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.
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