For immediate release | June 5, 2012

Patty McManus featured at ASCLA’s 'Essential Facilitation' program in Anaheim

CHICAGO—The Library Consultants Interest Group (LCIG) of the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA), a division of ALA, is offering the upcoming conference program “Essential Facilitation: Practical Tools for Guiding Groups to Success” from 10:30 a.m. - noon on Monday, June 25 in Room 205A of the Anaheim Convention Center.

Consultants and facilitators who work both independently and as part of a library team should plan to attend this program, where they’ll gain valuable information that can help bring groups to decisions. Attendees will hear from Patty McManus, senior consultant at Interaction Associates, Inc. Idaho State Librarian Ann Joslin and Nancy Bolt of Nancy Bolt Associates will also share their thoughts during the program about their experiences implementing the techniques presented by McManus, as well as the highly effective results.

“Everyone knows the agony of endless efforts to reach decisions in groups,” said McManus. “In this program we’ll cover practical tools for leaders and consultants, including setting up decision making for success, choosing a decision-making process that fits the situation and structuring group discussions that make progress.” Add this program to your conference schedule.

The Library Consultants Interest Group is one of ASCLA’s many interest groups representing ASCLA members’ various areas of work. Visit the ASCLA website for a full list of interest groups, or go to the LCIG workspace in Connect to join the group.

ASCLA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Our division’s work centers on member-driven interest groups that represent the diversity and important work of our engaged and active members. Not an ASCLA member, but interested in forming new interest groups, receiving discounted registration rates on ASCLA preconferences and online courses, and other important membership benefits? Join, renew or add ASCLA to your ALA membership at


Liz Markel

Marketing and Programs Manager


(312) 280-4398