For immediate release | December 10, 2012

Create a digital media space for the teens in your community

CHICAGO — ALA TechSource announces a unique new workshop, Creating a Digital Media Space for Today's Teens with Corey Wittig. This two part workshop will take place on Thursdays, Jan. 24 and 31, 2013. Each part will last 60 minutes.

In the age of iPads, YouTube and instant information sharing, an ordinary “computer lab” doesn’t draw teens into the library the way it used to. To get teens more active in the library and enthusiastic about library programs and services, a Digital Media Space can be the draw—a place that teens can go to record videos, use social media, create projects and engage with the community and their peers on their own terms. As the Digital Learning Librarian at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Corey Wittig knows what it takes to build an effective, popular lab, and he’ll share his knowledge with you in this comprehensive, two-part workshop.

Topics include:

  • Steps for getting started, including planning and getting buy-in from library stakeholders;
  • Budgeting and allocation;
  • Scheduling staff time efficiently;
  • Ways to get funding through grants and community partnerships.

Registration for this ALA TechSource Workshop is available on the ALA Store at both individual and group rates. This two part workshop will take place at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time/12:30 p.m. Central/11:30 a.m. Pacific time on Thursdays, Jan. 24 and 31, 2013. Each part will last 60 minutes.

Corey Wittig is Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s digital learning librarian and program manager for The Labs @ CLP, a system-wide network of four digital media labs for teens housed within four CLP locations and strategically located around the city of Pittsburgh. For his work designing and implementing The Labs he was named a 2012 Library Journal Mover & Shaker. He has worked at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh since 2006 and spent four years prior to that in the library's innovative Teen Department.

ALA TechSource Workshops are designed to give you and your staff the opportunity to participate in a hands‐on learning experience that will help you make the best technology decisions for your library.

ALA TechSource is a publishing imprint of the American Library Association. ALA TechSource publishes Library Technology Reports and the ALA TechSource Blog.

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Dan Freeman


ALA Online Resources (AOR)

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