For immediate release | January 11, 2012
Book Links magazine's 2011 top 30 titles for K–8 classrooms and libraries
CHICAGO - Book Links magazine announces the annual annotated Lasting Connections list, spotlighting the editors’ selections of the 30 best 2011 picture books, novels and informational titles for K-8 libraries and classrooms. Lasting Connections is considered an essential collection development tool for children’s librarians, school library media specialists and K–8 educators.
“It’s tough to choose only 30 selections from among the excellent fiction and informational youth books published each year,” said Booklist Books for Youth Editorial Director Gillian Engberg. “The titles on our 2011 Lasting Connections list lend themselves to broad use across the curriculum and range from a fascinating history of women’s cycling to a terrific math title that will send kids to the kitchen with edible examples of concepts.”
2011 Lasting Connections
Language Arts
"E-mergency!" By Tom Lichtenheld and Ezra Fields-Meyer. (Chronicle)
"Lemonade: And Other Poems Squeezed from a Single Word." By Bob Raczka. (Roaring Brook)
"The Lemonade Crime." By Jacqueline Davies. (Houghton)
"Lucky for Good." By Susan Patron. (Atheneum)
"Mouse & Lion." By Rand Burkert. (Scholastic)
"Okay for Now." By Gary D. Schmidt. (Clarion)
"The Runaway Wok." By Ying Chang Compestine. (Dutton)
"The Silver Bowl." By Diane Stanley. (Harper)
"Under the Mambo Moon." By Julia Durango. (Charlesbridge)
"Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku." By Lee Wardlaw. (Holt)
"Eat Your Math Homework: Recipes for Hungry Minds." By Ann McCallum. (Charlesbridge)
"Let’s Count to 100!" By Masayuki Sebe. (Kids Can)
"This Plus That: Life’s Little Equations." By Amy Krouse Rosenthal. (Harper)
"The Case of the Vanishing Golden Frogs: A Scientific Mystery." By Sandra Markle. (Millbrook)
"Elephant Talk: The Surprising Science of Elephant Communication." By Ann Downer. (Lerner/Twenty-First Century)
"Energy Island: How One Community Harnessed the Wind and Changed Their World." By Allan Drummond. (Farrar/Frances Foster)
"A Full Moon Is Rising." By Marilyn Singer. (Lee & Low)
"Me . . . Jane." By Patrick McDonnell. (Little, Brown)
"Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature." By Joyce Sidman. (Houghton)
"Wild Wings." By Gill Lewis. (Atheneum)
"The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with the Chimps." By Jeanette Winter. (Random/Schwartz & Wade)
Social Studies
"All the World’s a Stage: A Novel in Five Acts." By Gretchen Woelfle. (Holiday)
"Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s Parade." By Melissa Sweet. (Houghton)
"Flesh & Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy." By Albert Marrin. (Knopf)
"The Great Migration: Journey to the North." By Eloise Greenfield. (Amistad)
"Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans." By Kadir Nelson. (HarperCollins/Balzer and Bray)
"Inside Out and Back Again." By Thanhha Lai. (Harper)
"No Ordinary Day." By Deborah Ellis. (Groundwood)
"Wagons Ho!" By George Hallowell and Joan Holub. (Albert Whitman)
"Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the Bicycle to Freedom (with a Few Flat Tires along the Way)." By Sue Macy. (National Geographic)
The list is announced in the magazine and also in the free e-newsletter Booklist Quick Tips for Schools and Libraries, which delivers easy, practical ideas and activities that help librarians and teachers integrate children's and young-adult books into the curriculum. With thematic bibliographies, author interviews and useful ideas for connecting kids and books, each monthly e-newsletter also features a sneak peek at what's coming up in future issues of Book Links and Booklist magazines. Sign up for Booklist Quick Tips.
Book Links (a Booklist Publications quarterly supplement for subscribers) helps librarians, teachers and parents connect children with high-quality books. This practical, easy-to-use magazine puts a new spin on how to introduce books and media that capture and hold children’s interest. With thematic bibliographies, author features, reviews of new titles and articles that tie books to national education standards, Book Links is a one-stop resource for librarians and teachers who want all the teaching sources on a subject at their fingertips. Individual copies of the Book Links “Lasting Connections” issue may be purchased for $9 (prepaid) by writing to Book Links Back Issues, 50. E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
Booklist is the book review magazine of the American Library Association, considered an essential collection development and readers’ advisory tool by thousands of librarians for more than 100 years. Booklist Online includes a growing archive of 135,000+ reviews available to subscribers as well as a wealth of free content offering the latest news and views on books and media.
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