For immediate release | March 22, 2023

2023 RUSA Achievement Award Winners

CHICAGO- The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) Achievement Awards Program honors the best in reference librarians and its many specialties. These awards recognize and honor the outstanding professional contributions and achievements of your RUSA peers.

RUSA RUSA level awards winners are:

Jennifer C. Boettcher, Business Research Librarian, Georgetown University, selected winner of the 2023 Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award

Rebecca Clarke, Manager, Adult Services - St. Louis County Library, selected winner of the RUSA Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Services

Princeton University’s Industrial Relations Library wins 2023 John Sessions Memorial Award

Christina Plakas, PhD student of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of South Carolina - Columbia, selected winner of the 2023 Gail Schlachter Memorial Research Grant

East Chicago Public Library and Roddenbery Memorial Library selected winners of the Stephen T. Riedner Grant for Life Enhancing Library Programs for People Living with Dementia

Michelle A Ortiz, Supervisory Librarian, Vicenza and Del Din Library, USAG Italy, ARMY-IMCOM, named winner of the RUSA Federal Achievement Award

BRASS_0 BRASS awards:

BRASS Excellence in Business Librarianship sponsored by Mergent Names It’s Winner – Hal P. Kirkwood, Bodleian Business Librarian, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

Mansi Nishit Trivedi named winner of the 2023 BRASS Student Travel Award, sponsored by SimplyAnalytics

Angel Truesdale, Social Sciences and Business Librarian, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, winner of the BRASS Academic Business Librarianship Travel Award sponsored by Global Financial Data

BRASS Public Librarian Support Award Sponsored by Morningstar names John L. Amundsen, Business Librarian, Wilmette Public Library; Wilmette, IL 2023 winner

Wendy G. Pothier, Associate Professor, Business and Economics Librarian, University of New Hampshire, and Patricia B. Condon, Assistant Professor, Research Data Services Librarian, University of New Hampshire, chosen for the 2023 BRASS Research Grant Award sponsored by Emerald Publishing


Diana Tixier Herald, Independent Reviewer, named winner of 2023 CODES Louis Shores Award

ETS_0 ETS awards:

Matthew Toro, Robert Cowling, Eric Friesenhahn and Jill Sherwood for the 3D Explorer project, and Janet Lee and Tegest Hailu, M.D. for The Kindle Early Language Learning Project, chosen for the Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award Sponsored by Chatstaff and LibraryH3lp

ETS Achievement Award presented to Shannon D. Jones, Director of Libraries, Medical University of South Carolina & Director, Region 2, Network of the National Library of Medicine

HS_0 HS Awards:

Michelle Enke, Manager of Genealogy / Special Collections, Wichita Public Library, named winner of the 2023 HS Genealogy/History Achievement Award

Whitney Thompson, Graduate Library Assistant, Edgewood College, is awarded the History Research and Innovation Award sponsored by Gale Cengage


Mia Partlow, Robin C. Davis, Dawn Pearce, and Silvia Sheffield with North Carolina State University, chosen for the STARS Publication Recognition Award

Thank you to all our sponsors!

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association, represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers’ advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. Learn more at


Ninah Moore

Program Officer-Continuing Education