For immediate release | May 1, 2012
2012 ALA Annual Conference updates and highlights-- downloadable Cognotes now available
CHICAGO — Cognotes is the online source for highlights, updates and news on the upcoming 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim—and is free in print every day once attendees are onsite.
The Cognotes interactive edition lets you easily share articles with colleagues, search the exhibitor list and read about the multitude of ALA Annual Conference programs, preconferences, sessions, discussions, speakers, social events and more.
The May preview issue of Cognotes is available in four convenient formats, ready for downloading and accessing now:
Interactive version
Mobile version
Accessible version
PDF version (6.2MB)
Use the Conference Scheduler to plan your time, create your calendar and find out about many other Annual Conference highlights as they’re added—speakers, events, networking opportunities and more. Visit the 2012 ALA Annual Conference website for general information about the conference. For anyone who still needs to make the case for attending, we offer these resources to help communicate why attendance adds value for your home institution. Get the best discount with Early Bird Registration, open until midnight, Sunday, May 13, 2012.
ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition—Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves
Related Links
ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition—Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves
ALA Annual Conference Scheduler
Making Your Case for Attending
Cognotes :
Interactive version
Mobile version
Accessible version
PDF version
Lindsay Rosales
Conference Coordinator
Conference Services
lrosales@ala.org800-545-2433 x3227
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