For immediate release | April 21, 2022
North Davidson Middle School receives AASL Inspire Special Event Grant
CHICAGO – Kristina Allred, school library media coordinator at North Davidson Middle School in Lexington, North Carolina, is one of five school librarians from across the country receiving a 2022 American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) Inspire Special Event Grant. Made possible by the generosity of AASL member Marina “Marney” Welmers, the grant program provides funds for public middle or high school libraries to plan a special event to enhance student learning.
“A Game Apart, Mike Wiley Productions” event will assist in the school-wide social-emotional learning focus, specifically addressing courage and perseverance to overcome challenges. Allred shared, “our library collection includes books and digital resources for students to learn more about the featured athletes, historical context, and other individuals (historical and fictional) who face challenges similar to what our students face each day. Having the chance to see Mike Wiley bring history to life and bolster social-emotional learning through his gripping performances will be an amazing opportunity for our students that will remain with them well into their adult years.”
“The committee could easily see the impact this program will have for the learners at North Davidson Middle School,” said Committee Chair Zandra Lopez. “The connection to a full school read aloud, the social-emotional curriculum, and a way to re-launch library program post-pandemic is well rounded and far-reaching.”
“The engagement from our learners when a speaker can pull them into the story is so impactful in connecting them to the world outside the school,” said AASL President Jennisen Lucas. “Selecting a topic that will interest athletes and sports fans in the school, and connecting to perseverance and determination beyond the sport, is an inclusive approach for the entire learning community. Congratulations on a wonderful event.”
The AASL award winners will be recognized during the 2023 AASL National Conference taking place October 19-21 in Tampa, Florida.
The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
Allison Cline
Deputy Executive Director
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
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