For immediate release | October 27, 2020

United for Libraries Past President Peter Pearson to speak on California Public Library Advocates webinar Dec. 16

EXTON, Pennsylvania — United for Libraries Past President Peter Pearson, lead consultant and co-founder of Library Strategies Consulting Group, will be a featured speaker for the California Public Library Advocates webinar “Post-Election Strategies: Library Advocacy – Now What?” The webinar date has been rescheduled to December 16th at 10 a.m. PT. Register for the webinar

This California Public Library Advocates (CPLA) webinar will bring together two experts in library fundraising, legislation and advocacy – Peter Pearson of United for Libraries and Patrick Sweeney of EveryLibrary – just after this important election. Moderated by CPLA’s Vikki Cervantes, the presentation will give pointers on how to prepare for the difficult days ahead and discuss what library supporters can do NOW as well as long-term strategies on local, regional, state, and national levels.

Peter Pearson was 2019-2020 President of United for Libraries. He is lead consultant and co-founder of Library Strategies Consulting Group. He was president of the Friends of the Saint Paul (Minn.) Public Library for 25 years, and was a founder of Library Strategies. As president of the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, he led three capital campaigns and coordinated an annual grassroots advocacy campaign that added millions of dollars of public funding to the library's budget. He also served as a Trustee for the Twin Cities Regional Library System for 10 years.

Patrick “P.C.” Sweeney is co-author of “How to Win Elections and Influence Politicians for Library Funding,” available from Neal-Schuman and ALA Editions. He is the former Administrative Librarian of the Sunnyvale (CA) Public Library and was Executive Director of EveryLibrary California, a statewide initiative to support library propositions. He currently works as the Political Director for EveryLibrary, the nation’s first and only national Political Action Committee for Libraries and is a lecturer on politics at the San Jose State University iSchool. He is a 2015 Library Journal Mover and Shaker recipient for his advocacy work in California and across the country. He can be found online as PC Sweeney.

Vikki Cervantes is homegrown from Porterville in the Central Valley of California. She began her career at the Porterville City Library as a part-time library aide. Later, she served on the Library Board of Trustees and after the Director retired in 2007, Vikki became the 15th Porterville City Librarian. She has worked hard to establish a team that is adaptable to handling the diverse needs of the community and increased the visibility of library services through community participation. After a tragic fire that destroyed the library early this year, Vikki is creating a Porterville City Library Legacy for the future.

Register for “Post-Election Strategies: Library Advocacy – Now What?” on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 10 a.m. Pacific Time

United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, is a division of the American Library Association with approximately 4,000 personal and group members representing hundreds of thousands of library supporters. United for Libraries supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries, and brings together library trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. To join, please visit or call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161.


Jillian Wentworth

Manager of Marketing & Membership

United for Libraries