For immediate release | September 4, 2020
Please Make Me Laugh: How to Give a Laughter-as-Therapy Session in Your Library
CHICAGO- Laughter is increasingly being shown by science to be a temporary antidote against the distress of our modern workday. Register today for this 45 minute webinar "Please Make Me Laugh: How to Give a Laugher-as-Therapy Session in Your Library", scheduled for Thursday, September 20 2020.
This webinar will cover both beneficial and deleterious stress, and how the later can be balanced by the application of healthful belly laughter.
By the end of this webinar, the participant will be able to: understand and define the concepts of distress and eustress; explain the importance of managing daily stress before it turns into distress; teach a 45-minute laughter yoga in their respective libraries; and recognize the difference between Constructive and Destructive humor
This webinar is for any librarian or library worker who wants to aid their patrons and also their library colleagues in the management of daily stressors through the enjoyable practice of applied laughter and will be presented by William Mongelli, Instutition Librarian at Massachusetts Correctional Institution, who became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader in 2015 and has taught on the laughter-as-therapy topic with the New Englang Library Association and the Correctional Educational Assocataion.
ASGCLA Transitions:
Thank you for your interest in ASGCLA programming, more information regarding ASGCLA’s transition may be found here.
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