For immediate release | August 14, 2020

Compliance with information law

CHICAGO — The issue of information law compliance is more crucial now than ever with the new, more stringent adoption of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) provisions across the EU and internationally. It’s not just about what data you handle, but why you have it, where it is held, and who you are sharing it with. It is therefore a vital component of digital literacy. “Information Law: Compliance for Librarians, Information Professionals and Knowledge Managers,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, is a fully up-to-date guide by Charles Oppenheim, Naomi Korn, and Adrienne Muir which adopts a hands-on approach to this complex area, which is viewed from both an operational and strategic perspective.

This resource is based on a Compliance Model developed by Korn which has been implemented across many parts of the UK’s public sector. The model is presented here as an approach to information law compliance which can be applied across any organization to instigate compliant-aware cultures. The book includes case study flow charts, sample contractual clauses and model licenses, top tips, and checklists. There is also a Glossary of Terms, an annotated guide to further reading, and useful contact lists.

Professor Oppenheim is an internationally renowned expert, speaker, author and consultant on legal issues in LIS, particularly in copyright, data protection, freedom of information and cloud computing. He is an Honorary Fellow of CILIP, a member of the Legal Advisory Board of the European Commission, and of the Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance. Korn is Founder and Managing Director, NKCC. Muir is Professor of Information Management at Robert Gordon University, UK. Previously she was an academic in information science and publishing at Loughborough University. She has a PhD in information science (digital legal deposit) and a postgraduate qualification in information technology and telecommunications law. She is also the book review editor for the journal Library and Information Research.

Facet Publishing, the commercial publishing and bookselling arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is the leading publisher of books for library and information professionals worldwide. Many book retailers and distributors are experiencing service disruptions or delays, including Amazon. For speediest service, order direct from the ALA Store. ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman publishes resources used by library and information professionals, scholars, students, and educators to improve programs and services, build on best practices, enhance pedagogy, share research, develop leadership, and promote advocacy. ALA authors and developers are leaders in their fields, and their content is published in a variety of print and electronic formats. Contact ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman at

Related Links

"Information Law: Compliance for Librarians, Information Professionals and Knowledge Managers"

"A Practical Guide to Privacy in Libraries"

"Copyright, Revised Sixth Edition"


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