For immediate release | April 9, 2020

ALA Neal-Schuman releases free e-book on disaster planning, response, and recovery

CHICAGO — During this time of uncertainty library workers are finding new ways to provide crucial information and services. To bolster their efforts, ALA Neal-Schuman is pleased to offer a free PDF e-book of the resource Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery. Published in cooperation with the Medical Library Association (MLA), this nuts-and-bolts manual by Deborah Halsted, Shari Clifton, and Daniel Wilson covers such topics as:

  • an eight-step approach to developing a risk assessment plan;
  • how to draft a one-page service continuity plan;
  • information on how to use mobile devices and social media effectively in times of disaster; and
  • sample disaster plans, along with model exercises, manuals and customizable communication.

View the free PDF e-book here.

To support the need for increased remote access to information during the COVID-19 outbreak, ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman is making materials easier to access. For more information visit

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Related Links

"Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery; A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians" (print edition)

Access to ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman e-books during the COVID-19 pandemic

ALA COVID-19 Response


Rob Christopher

Marketing Coordinator

American Library Association

ALA Publishing