For immediate release | January 8, 2020

ACRL sponsors 2020 ALA Emerging Leaders

CHICAGO - The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and its sections are sponsoring nine members to participate in 2020 class of American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leaders. The program is designed to enable library staff and information workers to participate in project planning work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity early in their careers.

ACRL is proud to sponsor Matthew Noe, Lead Collection and Knowledge Management Librarian at Countway Library of Medicine; Monika Glowacka-Musial, Metadata Librarian at the New Mexico State University; Patrice Green, Research and Instruction Librarian for Special Collections Libraries at the University of Georgia; Russel Peterson, Research and Instructional Services Librarian at the University of Alabama; and Shelly Black, Digital Marketing Specialist at the University of Arizona Libraries.

The ACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) and the Instruction Section (IS) are sponsoring Erin Roper, Librarian at Mohave Community College, and the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) is sponsoring Jennifer Embree, Subject Librarian for Psychology and Biology at Binghamton University. The ACRL University Librarians Section (ULS) is sponsoring Liana Bayne, Libraries Administrative Assistant at James Madison University, and the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) is sponsoring Tiffany Raymond, Assistant Director of the Library at Wells College.

The Emerging Leaders program will kick off with a day-long leadership session during the 2020 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia. Following the kickoff session, which includes orientation and training, the program will continue in an online learning and networking environment for six months. The program culminates with a poster session where the 2020 Emerging Leaders will showcase the results of their project planning work during the 2020 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

Emerging Leaders participants commit to taking part in all aspects of the program and may have an opportunity to serve on an ALA, division, chapter, round table, or affiliate committee or workgroup upon completion.

Since 2008, ACRL has supported 63 Emerging Leaders and helped defray the cost of attending the ALA Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.

The complete list of the selected participants and sponsoring organizations can be found on the Emerging Leaders webpage. The ALA Emerging Leaders program is managed by the ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR).


The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for academic libraries and library workers. Representing more than 10,000 individuals and libraries, ACRL (a division of the American Library Association) develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning, transforming scholarship, and creating diverse and inclusive communities. Find ACRL on the web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.


Mary Jane Petrowski

Associate Director