For immediate release | November 1, 2019
ALA accepting applications for Library Census Equity Fund mini-grants
WASHINGTON — The American Library Association (ALA) is now accepting online applications for Library Census Equity Fund mini-grants. ALA will provide 25 libraries with $2,000 mini-grants to bolster their service to hard-to-count communities and help achieve a complete count in the 2020 Census. The deadline for applications is Friday, November 22, 2019.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, populations traditionally undercounted in the decennial effort include young children, American Indians and Alaska Natives, people experiencing homelessness and people of color. In the 2020 Census, which will have a new online response option, people who lack internet access or online skills may also be at risk of being undercounted. (To learn more, see ALA’s Libraries’ Guide to the 2020 Census.)
To address these issues, applicants to the Library Census Equity Fund may propose activities such as conducting community outreach activities or expanding the library’s technology capacity to support people completing the census questionnaire online. All types of libraries and library organizations are eligible to apply, including public, school and academic libraries; Library Friends or Foundations; library cooperatives and state library associations).
A committee established by ALA’s 2020 Census Library Outreach and Education Task Force will select the mini-grant recipients.
In addition to the mini-grants, ALA is providing information about other potential sources of funding to support libraries’ 2020 Census activities. A new tip sheet, “Preparing My Library for the 2020 Census,” offers potential sources of funding to support library census activities.
For more information on ALA’s efforts to support a fair, inclusive and complete count in the 2020 Census, visit Follow the conversation on social media with #CountOnLibraries.
Shawnda Hines
Assistant Director, Communications
Public Policy and Advocacy
shines@alawash.orgFeatured News