For immediate release | September 6, 2019

PLA to share digital skill-building tools in free September webinar

CHICAGO – Public libraries have long been leaders in bringing people into the digital world, providing programs and services that help patrons get jobs, gain knowledge, increase productivity, and engage with others online. Leveraging and strengthening existing library and community resources can help reduce staff burden and increase the library’s impact on digital literacy.

This month, the Public Library Association (PLA) will host a webinar presented by a panel of digital literacy experts who will share tools, resources, and partnership strategies to help libraries enhance digital-skill development among patrons and staff. This webinar, Tools for Building Digital Skills with your Patrons and Staff, will be held 1-2 p.m. Central Time on Thursday, Sept. 26. The webinar is free, but registration is required and space is limited.

This learning opportunity is presented as part of the DigitalLead: Rural Libraries Creating New Possibilities project through which PLA and Microsoft Corp. are helping rural populations reap the benefits of broadband internet connectivity.

Click here to learn more and register for this webinar.

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About PLA

The Public Library Association (PLA) is the largest association dedicated to supporting the unique and evolving needs of public library professionals. Founded in 1944, PLA serves nearly 10,000 members in public libraries large and small in communities across the United States and Canada, with a growing presence around the world. PLA strives to help its members shape the essential institution of public libraries by serving as an indispensable ally for public library leaders. For more information about PLA, contact the PLA office at 1 (800) 545-2433, ext.5PLA, or

Related Links

PLA Webinar: Tools for Building Digital Skills with Your Patrons and Staff

DigitalLead: Rural Libraries Creating New Possibilities

PLA Webinars


Laurence Deutsch

Manager, Communications

Public Library Association (PLA)