For immediate release | March 22, 2019
Free toolkit available to help with National Library Workers Day Celebrations
CHICAGO - It’s time to celebrate the stars in your library! Recognize all library workers who make library service possible every day on National Library Workers Day (NLWD) — Tuesday, April 9, 2019. This day is designated as a day for library users, administrators, staff, supporters, communities and friends to recognize the valuable contributions made by all of those who work in libraries. Libraries and organizations are encouraged to host celebrations and submit names of stars to honor great workers, teams and/or departments.
To help libraries and communities prepare to celebrate NLWD, the ALA – Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) has developed a free publicity tool kit. The tool kit includes downloadable templates for items such as a flyer, sample press releases, proclamations, public service announcements, etc. which can be used to promote your NLWD activities. You will also find cool gifts to give to library staff to let them know they are appreciated.
Tweet about your NLWD celebrations using the hashtag, #NLWD19, Share photos and descriptions of your celebrations with Library Worklife Newsletter.
The ALA - Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) is a companion organization to the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA-APA is a nonprofit professional organization established “to promote the mutual professional interests of librarians and other library workers.”
Related Links
NLWD tool kit
Beatrice Calvin
Manager, Professional Development
Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR)
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