For immediate release | February 26, 2019
American Library Association gears up for 2019 ALA election
CHICAGO – The American Library Association is gearing up for its upcoming election. Polls will open at 9 a.m. Central time on March 11, 2019 for the American Library Association’s annual election and will close on Wednesday, April 3 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.
The American Library Association elections take place exclusively online. On February 21, members began receiving notification by email confirming their eligibility to vote. To be eligible to vote, individuals must be members in good standing as of January 31, 2019.
When the polls open, the ALA will notify voters by e-mail, providing them with information about how to vote online. E-mails will be sent over a three-day period, March 11 – 13.
On April 10, the Election Committee will meet at the ALA offices to certify the election. Election results will be released following that meeting.
Although the election is being conducted online, there remains one exception. Members with disabilities and without Internet access may obtain a paper ballot by contacting ALA customer service at 1 (800) 545-2433, ext. 5. Those without Internet access at home or work can easily access the election site by visiting their local public (or in many instances academic or school) library.
This year members are asked to vote for the next ALA president-elect, ALA treasurer, and for 34 Councilor-at-Large candidates to serve a three-year term (2019-2022).
“Voting is one of the most important things you do as a member of the American Library Association,” said ALA Executive Director Mary W. Ghikas. “The officers you elect will make a real difference. The president serves as the public voice of the Association, libraries of all types and all across the nation, and of American libraries around the world. The 186 Councilors – including 34 being elected this year – are responsible for setting the broad policies that shape our Association’s public positions and direction.”
Julius C. Jefferson, Jr., Section Head, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, and Lance Werner, Executive Director, Kent District Library, Comstock Park, Mich., are the candidates for the 2020-21 presidency of the American Library Association.
An active member of ALA for 15 years, Jefferson currently serves on and has been a member of the ALA Council since 2011, and most recently completed a 3-year term on the ALA Executive Board (2015-18). He has also served on a number of critical committees, including the Finance and Audit Committee (2017-18), the Budget Analysis and Review Committee (2014-18), the Intellectual Freedom Committee (2010-14) serving as the 2010-11 chair, and is currently chair of the Chapter Relations Committee, as well as on numerous other committees and task forces of the association.
Jefferson is an active member of a number of ALA-affiliated entities, including the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), the Intellectual Freedom Round Table, the Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table (which will become part of the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) effective Sept. 1), International Relations Round Table, the Black Caucus of ALA (BCALA) and the Asian/Pacific Librarians Association (APALA).
In addition to his service to the American Library Association, Jefferson has held a seat on the board of the Freedom to Read Foundation (2012-16) serving as the 2013-16 president; served as president of the DC Library Association (2015); and served on the board of the BCALA (2007-09). He is the recipient of several awards, including BCALA Outstanding Contribution to Publishing Award (2013), BCALA Appreciation Award (2010), and Congressional Research Service Special Achievement Award (2010).
An often called upon authority/speaker on issues of importance to library workers, Jefferson has appeared on a number of media outlets, including National Public Radio. He is co- editor of The 21st-Century Black Librarian in America: Issues and Challenges and is often sought as a speaker on library-related issues such as diversity, leadership and professional development.
“It is an honor to stand as a candidate for ALA President,” said Jefferson. “I look forward to being a champion for library workers who should be recognized and celebrated for the value they bring to the communities they serve. I am also enthusiastic about advocating for a healthy library economy, creating strong financial support for libraries. The significance of ALA is the instrumental role our members perform in our communities. As ALA President I will seek to ensure that all voices are valued so together we can transform lives.”
Jefferson holds a BA in History from Howard University and an MLS from the University of Maryland.
Werner has also been an ALA member for 10 years and is an active member of the Public Library Association (PLA) and the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) and is a member of the new ALA Policy Corps.
Werner has held numerous positions in the Michigan library community, including chairing the Michigan Library Association Legislative Committee (2015-16), serving as president of the Lakeland Library Cooperative (2015-16), and president of the Michigan Library Association (2012-13). He is currently a Fellow at the Michigan Political Leadership Program and serves on the Advisory Board of the Wayne State University School of Library and Information Science Advisory Board (2015-present).
Werner has received various awards and honors, including: Library Journal Librarian of the Year (2018), Michigan Library Association Librarian of the Year (2017), Joey Rodger Leadership Award from the Urban Libraries Council (2017), Wayne State University Distinguished Alumni Award (2017). He has received special tributes from the Michigan Secretary of State (2018), Michigan Legislature (2017) and was named a Wayne State University Rising Star (2017), Library Journal Mover & Shaker Change Agent (2016) and received the Capital Area Michigan Works New Kid on the Block Award (2010).
“The world is rapidly changing, making this an exciting time to help libraries because their role has never been more important than it is now,” says Werner. “While technology and politics attract a lot of attention, I believe that people and relationships are the core of libraries. Working with people at all levels of academic, public and special services libraries is very rewarding to me because of our common goal to transform lives. Additionally, I’ve become involved with advocacy for libraries in Washington DC because it’s important to engage stakeholders at all levels. I find that it’s best to engage stakeholders in ways that enable them to become part of the solution. This creates win/win situations for everyone.”
Werner holds an MLIS from Wayne State University as well as a Juris Doctorate from Michigan State University College of Law.
Maggie Farrell, dean of university libraries, University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Andrew K. Pace, executive director, technical research, at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio, are the candidates for treasurer of the American Library Association for 2019-2022.
A member of ALA for 30 years, Farrell is currently chair of the Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC). She served on ALA Council as Councilor-at-Large (2004-2007) and as ACRL Division Councilor (2010-2013). She is an active member of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), and United for Libraries, as well as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Government Documents Round Table (GODORT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT), the Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), and the International Relations Round Table (IRRT). Farrell is also a member of REFORMA: The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking.
In addition to her ALA service, Farrell has been active in numerous state associations, including Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. She has also served on the Board of Trustees of OCLC.
Farrell was appointed by the Wyoming governor to the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics (2018-2013), serving as the 2013-14 chair. She was named an American Library Association/United States Information Agency Library Fellow in 1993 and participated in Leadership Wyoming 2006-2007.
“ALA and the library profession are transforming to new, exciting ways to connect with our communities and advance libraries,” said Farrell, “but we need an organizational structure that supports professional development, networking, research, data, and advocacy. As ALA imagines new ways of working and connecting, we require a financial infrastructure that supports ALA’s vision and work. As treasurer, I would work with members, divisions, roundtables, units, Council and the Executive Board to provide diverse perspectives in creating financial sustainability to ensure relevancy for our association supporting libraries.”
Farrell holds a BA from the University of Missouri Kansas City, an MLS from the University of Arizona, and an MPA from Arizona State University
A member of ALA for 23 years, Pace is currently a member of the ALA Executive Board (2016-19) and has served on ALA Council as Councilor-at-Large (2012-present). He is an active member of the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), the Public Library Association (PLA), the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services Association (ALCTS), the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and the Library Information and Technology Association (LITA), serving as its president 2008-09.
Pace has been a member of the Finance and Audit Committee since 2016, and has served on several other committees, including Committee on Organization, Nominating Committee, Committee on Appointments, and American Libraries Advisory Committee, where he served as the 2010-12 chair. He has held numerous positions within LITA, including the LITA Budget Review Committee (2007-10) He is a current member of the Library History Round Table, the Intellectual Freedom Round Table, the Freedom to Read Foundation and Friends of the Book Art Press.
In 2006 Pace was named a Frye Leadership Institute Fellow (now known as the Leading Change Institute) and was named Librarian of the Year by Data Research Associates in 2002.
"I'm honored to have been selected by the nominating committee and humbled by the work ahead," said Pace. "If elected, I look forward to following through on the exciting transformations being planned by the ALA Executive Board, Council, Divisions, Chapters, Affiliates, and the membership at large. As treasurer, I want to do more than simply present financial data to the membership. I want to bring my library, business, and volunteer experience to bear on the issues facing libraries, library workers, and library users. ALA isn't at a cross-road, it's on a launch pad that will help define its future for the next 150 years. I look forward to being part of the diverse team that defines that future."
Pace holds a BA in Rhetoric and Communications Studies from the University of Virginia, and an MSLS from the Catholic University of America.
Watch excerpts of the Presidential and Treasurer Candidates’ Forum that took place at the 2019 ALA Midwinter Meeting.
Biographical information about the Councilor-at-Large candidates can be found on the ALA website.
The American Library Association is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 58,000 members. Its mission is to promote the highest quality library and information services and public access to information.
For more information on the election, call (800) 545-2433, ext. 5, or e-mail
Sheryl Reyes
Designate Director, Governance
American Library Association
sreyes@ala.orgFeatured News