For immediate release | October 25, 2018
YALSA seeks member manager for YALSAblog
CHICAGO — The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is seeking a member manager for its blog, the YALSAblog. The volunteer position will be for a one-year term starting December 1, 2018 with an option to renew for a second year, based on performance. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2018.
The member manager will co-lead an advisory board that oversees the preparation of content for the blog and solicits content from the YALSA community. The Member Manager will receive an honorarium of $500 per year plus $1,000 total towards travel to the Annual Conference, Midwinter Meeting, or YALSA’s YA Services Symposium while serving as Member Manager. The Member Manager may choose to allocate all of the $1,000 travel allowance towards one conference or amongst several.
The mission of the YALSAblog is to provide a virtual space for publishing timely information about new and emerging practices for library services for and with teens, to explore practices in related fields relevant to teen services, to raise awareness about appropriate YALSA tools to facilitate innovation in teen services, and to provide resources for members and the library community to support their efforts to continuously improve their overall teen services program.
Read the full list of qualifications and responsibilities of the YALSAblog member manager here.
Candidates must send a cover letter and resume, that includes project management, editing and web publishing and maintenance experience via email to Anna Lam at by November 15, 2018.
Please note that this is not a salaried staff position, but a member volunteer opportunity. Please direct questions to Anna Lam at
The mission of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is to support library staff in alleviating the challenges teens face, and in putting all teens ‒ especially those with the greatest needs ‒ on the path to successful and fulfilling lives. For more information about YALSA or to access national guidelines and other resources go to, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390; or e-mail:
Anna Lam
Communications Specialist
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
alam@ala.orgFeatured News