For immediate release | October 9, 2018
ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo to host The Heart of Librarianship webinar
CHICAGO — As part of her global outreach efforts, ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo will host a free webinar, The Heart of Librarianship, at 9 a.m. Central time/10 a.m. Eastern time on Nov. 14, 2018. To participate, register for the event. International members are encouraged to participate in this webinar, which is for all ALA members.
Join Garcia-Febo and Dr. Michael Stephens for an exploration of the importance of accessible, welcoming and responsive library environments that invite open and equitable participation, as well as an examination of which factors are preventing many libraries from ramping up community engagement and user-focused services.
The heart of librarianship is learning. It is a cyclical process of support, engagement and discovery with deep roots in the concepts of service, access and freedom to pursue interests of all kinds. No matter what type of institution, someone is gaining knowledge, finding information, or creating something new based on our facilitation. For librarians, taking the role of facilitator and guide is best delivered with humanity and heart. The library should encourage the heart!
Dr. Michael Stephens is associate professor in the School of Information at San Jose State University. He has delivered keynotes, papers and workshops throughout the U.S. and internationally. He just spent a month in Australia working with librarians and educators. In 2016, ALA Editions published five years of his Library Journal “Office Hours” columns as a book entitled The Heart of Librarianship.
To participate, register for the event.
This free online event is part of President Garcia-Febo’s efforts in the area of professional development. It will be recorded.
The ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) will manage the event.
Tech Requirements: Computer with Internet access (high-speed connection is best) and media player software. Headphones recommended.
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Beatrice Calvin
Manager, Professional Development
Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR)
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