For immediate release | July 26, 2018
2018 LITA Forum – Save the Date and Register
Register now for the 2018 LITA Library Technology Forum in Minneapolis, MN to be held November 8-10, 2018
Join your colleagues in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis for the 2018 LITA Library Technology Forum. This year a re-imaged education and networking event. This year’s theme is: Building & Leading. We asked presenters to work from what they are most passionate about in librarianship and information technology, and to share those passions to build the future by illumination and inspiration. We are rethinking the usual conference take on presentations and programming and are drastically increasing opportunities for discussions, interactions and hands-on activities. Look for the draft schedule on the website before the end of August.
The highly regarded LITA Library Technology Forum for technology-minded information professionals is an opportunity to meet with your colleagues involved in new and leading edge technologies in the library and information technology field. Registration is limited in order to preserve the important networking advantages of a smaller conference. Attendees take advantage of the informal receptions, networking dinners and other social opportunities to get to know colleagues and speakers.
Questions or Comments?
Contact LITA at (312) 280-4268 or Mark Beatty,
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