For immediate release | February 5, 2018

Understanding Accessibility Challenges for Patrons

CHICAGO - The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) is excited to announce the update of 15 Library Accessibility Toolkits to help better serve patrons. These toolkits were developed to help library professionals understand the challenges and opportunities presented by issues of equitable access for library users. Issues include 1) users with mental health issues 2) users with learning and/or attention issues 3) users with developmental disabilities 4) users with sensory disabilities 5) users with service animals 6) users who need assistive technology and 7) users with physical disabilities. Each guide provides an overview, recommended hardware and software solutions, tips and resources to guide library professionals in providing great library experiences for everyone. Toolkits include:

Assistive Technology

Autism & Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Children with Disabilities

Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Developmental, Cognitive and Intellectual Disabilities

Learning Differences

Library Staff with Disabilities


Mental Health Issues

Mobility Impairments

Multiple Disabilities

Service or Support Animals

Volunteers with Disabilities

What Trustees Need to Know

Blindness and Low Vision

Thank you to the following individuals for their contributions to the 2017 updates: Patrick Timony, Marti Goddard, Carrie Banks, Rachel Gould, Jerry Reynolds, Barbara Mates, Barbara Klipper, Heather Lambert, Ginger Cagnolatti, Uyanga Erdenebold, Charlene Gernon, Nicholas Gish, Andrea Hebert, Dionne Laborde, JoAnn Palermo, Reed Strege, Teresa Slobuski, Vivian Bordeaux, Rebecca Sue Crawford, and Helen Gbala.


The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) is a division of the American Library Association. ASCLA focuses on providing a voice and advocating for libraries serving populations that are underserved such as those with sensory, physical, health or behavioral conditions, those who are incarcerated or detained and more. ASCLA is the premier destination for members to find information and build capacity to serve populations that are served by state library agencies, specialized libraries, library cooperatives, library networks and library consultants among others. Member activity is centered around our interest groups.

ASCLA enhances the effectiveness of library service by providing high quality networking, enrichment and educational opportunities for its diverse members. Opportunities include leadership roles, online webinars and eCourses, specialty interest group involvement and even produce resources and industry standards and guidelines including the most recent revision of the 2011 Standards and Guidelines of Service for the Library of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped as well as Priosoners' Right to Read and more.



Melissa Tracy

Marketing & Programs Specialist

Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)