For immediate release | January 8, 2018

University of Central Missouri creates ALA Student Chapter

CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) is pleased to announce that the Student Organization of Library and Information Services (SOLIS) at the University of Central Missouri has created a new ALA student chapter.

Each ALA student chapter has its own character and purpose. All enhance students' ALA membership by providing leadership and programming opportunities on the campuses.

On Dec. 14, 2017, the University of Central Missouri (UCM) chapter became the 64th ALA student chapter. Dr. Jenna Kammer, Assistant Professor at UCM, will serve as faculty advisor for the new student chapter.

"When I was a graduate student in library school, the ALA Student Chapter in my program was a great resource for me. Through the ALA Student Chapter, I networked with other students, faculty and practicing librarians. I was able to have experiences that extended beyond the classroom. I am excited that we will be able to provide this type of opportunity for our LIS students at UCM," said Dr. Kammer.

"With a growing body of students across the globe, we have been looking for ways to connect our entire student population in our online program. When Dr. Kammer suggested opening an ALA student chapter, I knew that was exactly the solution we were looking for. I am excited to see what types of programming our students will come up that uses digital tools to connect everyone," said Rene Burress, Assistant Professor and LIS Program Coordinator.

"I was very excited to hear about UCM opening an ALA chapter. I think this chapter will be a great platform to bring students together to learn from one another and spark interest in participating with ALA beyond the scope of their academic career," said Olivia Boyer, Student Chapter President.

The first ALA Student Chapter was created in 1980 at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

ALA student members at the master's level and beyond are eligible to form official ALA student chapter groups at schools offering ALA-accredited programs of library and information services, or a master's degree with a specialty in school library media from a CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation)-accredited program.

Student chapters pay no fee to ALA. Now through Aug. 31, 2018, ALA student membership dues are $37; forty-four state chapters partner with ALA to allow students to join one of them and ALA for one low price of $40. Each ALA student member is entitled to all the regular ALA personal membership benefits at a substantially reduced dues rate. The student chapter may support its programs through fund-raising activities, dues paid to the student chapter group, or contributions from the school administration.

In addition, each student chapter is eligible to send one participant to the Student-to-Staff program held at ALA Annual Conference. In exchange for four hours of work per day, the students receive complimentary registration, housing, and a per diem.


Don Wood

Program Officer

Chapter Relations Office
